International Certification
ASEAN Chartered Profesional Engineer (ACPE)
ACPE is ASEAN level certification as a result of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) MRA among 10 countries in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, the requirement to apply for ACPE should be licensed either as Professional Engineer (IPM) or Executive Professional Engineer (IPU). Please refer to below link for more information https://imc.or.id/
ASEAN Engineering Register (AER)
ASEAN Engineering Register for Engineers category given to Professional Engineers who have been certified as Indonesian Professional Engineer (IPM) or Executive Professional Engineer (IPU). For more details please visit: https://aer.afeo.org/
Please fill out the ASEAN Engineering Registration form in this below link:
Link Registration
APEC Engineer Register
This certification given to Indonesian Professional Engineers (IPM/IPU) as a result of PII membership under the International Engineering Alliance https://internationalengineeringalliance.org/agreements/apec (IEA). The registration covers Asia Pacific as per the APEC Engineers Mobility Agreement full signatory membership under this IEA. More detail info please visit : https://iea-pii.id/home
Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) Australia
Indonesian PE can now apply for CPEng registration under the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) between PII and Engineers Australia (EA). Please visit Engineers Australia website at https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/ and locate your search regarding MRA between PII and EA.
Please contact PII Governing Board Secretariat should you be interested to apply at Internationalcertification@pii.or.id