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Central Board of PII held a hearing with the House of Representatives Commission X

The Central Management of the Institute of Engineers Indonesia (PII) led directly by PII Chairman Dr.-Ing.ilham Akbar Habibie, MBA.IPU, accompanied by PII Deputy Chairperson Prof.Dr.Ir.Agus Taufik Mulyono, ST, MT, Asean-Eng, IPU, attended a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission X of the Indonesian Parliament.

In a discussion held at the Indonesian Parliament Building on Wednesday (26/2), the House of Representatives Commission X expressed support for the formation of the Indonesian Engineers Council (DII), which will be the main regulator in supervising and ensuring national service standards are maintained.

This support is a major step in strengthening the symbolism ecosystem in Indonesia! With DII, the engineer profession will be increasingly integrity, competitive, and in accordance with industrial needs and national development.

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Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission X, Dr. Ir. Hetifah Sjaifudian, MPP., Who is also the Chairperson of the PII Expert Council, also stated his commitment in supporting this regulation for the advancement of the engineer profession in Indonesia.

The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII) will continue to oversee this process so that the resulting regulations really have a positive impact on national engineers and development.

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