Variadi Again Named Chair of PII Aceh Besar for the 2024-2027 Period
The branch management of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) Aceh Besar Regency successfully carried out the Branch Conference (Muscab) to elect a chairman democratically through a voting process. This event was held on Saturday (16/11/2024) in the Meeting Room of the Aceh Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW), Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Lamsayeun, Aceh Besar.
Ir. Variadi, ST, M.Eng, IPU, ASEAN.Eng was re-elected as Chair of PII Aceh Besar Regency for the second period through a tough process. The election began with the first plenary session and continued to the second plenary session, as stated by the Chairman of the Muscab Committee, Ir. Bahagia, ST, MT, IPM, accompanied by the Committee Secretary, Dr. Ir. Erdiwansyah, ST, MT, IPM, ASEAN.Eng, APEC.Eng.
According to Ir. Happy, this Muscab invited 207 PII members from Aceh Besar Regency consisting of ordinary members and young members who live in the area. Of this number, 23 active members were present to cast their votes, plus one vote from the Branch Management, bringing the total number of votes to 24.
The second plenary session, chaired by Ir. Derry Nurly, IPU, ASEAN.Eng, gave the opportunity to the two chairman candidates, namely Ir. Teuku Muhammad Zulfikar, ST, MP, IPU, and Ir. Variadi, ST, M.Eng, IPU, ASEAN.Eng, to deliberate and seek mutual agreement. The deliberation process was also accompanied by the Regional Secretary of PII Aceh Province, Dr. Ir. Khairul Iqbal, ST, MT, IPM, and Chair of the Aceh Province PII Organizational Committee, Ir. T. Zahrian.
However, deliberations did not reach a consensus so the election continued to the voting stage. In accordance with PII's Articles of Association and Bylaws, voting rights in Muscab are verified using the central Simponi PII application to ensure member activity.
Voting results show absolute victory for Ir. Variadi with 18 votes, while Ir. Teuku Muhammad Zulfikar received 6 votes.
The chairman of the second plenary session, Ir. Derry Nurly, IPU, ASEAN.Eng, officially appointed Ir. Variadi, ST, M.Eng, IPU, ASEAN.Eng as Chair of PII Aceh Besar Regency for the period 2024 – 2027.
In his victory speech, Ir. Variadi expressed his gratitude for the trust given to lead this organization again.
“I thank all members who have given me their trust for the second time. "To the chairman candidates who have not yet been elected, I invite them to continue working together to continue the programs that have been designed for the advancement of the organization and development of Aceh Besar," said Variadi.
This Muscab event is with great hope that PII Aceh Besar Regency can become more solid and contribute to advancing the engineering and infrastructure sector in the Aceh Besar region.
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