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Towards the 23rd PII Congress in 2024

Towards the 23rd PII Congress in 2024
The democratic process to elect the Deputy General Chair of PII for the 2024-2027 period has begun!

📸 In this video, we show important moments of the journey to Congress, such as:
✔️ PII Central Leadership Meeting
✔️ Reception of Candidates for Deputy General Chair
✔️ Signing of the Integrity Pact
✔️ Candidate Socialization

🎥 Closing with a special message from the Chair of the Election Committee, Secretary General of PII, and Chairman of PII, who expressed their gratitude and enthusiasm for making the 23rd Congress a success.

💬 Let's support this process together with a spirit of professionalism and integrity, to create a brighter future for the Indonesian Engineers Association!

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