PII Data
The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII) is a professional organization that gathers engineers throughout Indonesia. PII was established on May 23, 1952 in Bandung, with the main objective to advance the engineering profession and contribute to national development. Since its establishment, PII has become a forum for engineers to gather, share knowledge, and improve competencies in various fields of engineering and engineering.
History of Establishment
PII was founded by important figures who have a great vision for the future of Indonesia. Two of them are:
- Ir. Djuanda Kartawidjaja: A prominent engineer and statesman who was also known as the Prime Minister of Indonesia. He was instrumental in the development of infrastructure and transportation in Indonesia.
- Dr. Rooseno Soeryohadikoesoemo: An engineer and academic known for his contributions to engineering education in Indonesia. Dr. Rooseno is also known as Indonesia's “Father of Concrete” for his major role in the development of concrete technology in the country.
Organizational Tools
The following are PII's organizational tools and their respective functions and responsibilities:
- Advisory Board: In charge of providing strategic advice and guidance to the organization, as well as ensuring policy direction in accordance with PII's vision and mission.
- Engineer Council: Responsible for supervising and evaluating professional activities as well as maintaining engineer standards and certifications.
- Central Management: Manages PII's day-to-day operations at the central level, including program implementation and organizational administration.
- Honorary Council of Engineers: Handles ethical and disciplinary issues among engineers, and provides recommendations regarding violations of the code of ethics.
- Council of Experts: Provides technical and scientific expertise to support PII's policies and programs.
- Board of Studies: Conducts research and analysis to provide data-based recommendations on policy development and technical issues.
- BK and/or BKT: Manage finances and ensure compliance with the organization's internal rules, with a focus on transparency and accountability.
- Regional Management: Organize PII activities at the regional level and support branch administrators in specific regional areas.
- Branch Managers: Organize local activities and serve members in specific areas in accordance with IIGF policies.
- Business Entity and Foundation: Manage businesses or foundations to support funding and additional resources for PII activities.
- Young Engineers Forum (FIM-PII): Provides a platform for young engineer members to contribute and develop professional skills within the organization.
*data as of 2024/November