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Inauguration of the Secretariat and National Working Meeting 2025 Industrial Engineering Vocational Agency - The Institution of Engineers Indonesia

In order to support and succeed the work program 2024-2027, the Central Board of the Industrial Engineering Vocational Agency - The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (BKTI PII) has inaugurated a new secretariat located on Jl Metro Pondok Indah Tg 3 No.55, South Jakarta on Saturday 22 February 2025.

As part of a commitment to sustainability, the BKTI PII secretariat building has won an Edge Green Building certificate from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) part of the World Bank. This building succeeded in recording 23%energy savings, 43%water savings, and embodied carbon in 99%. This achievement certainly strengthens BKTI PII's commitment in the integration of sustainability aspects in its journey.

In the same series of activities, the BKTI PII management held a National Working Meeting (Rakernas) 2025 as the first meeting of the Complete Management Board in the new management of BKTI PII which aims to establish various strategic work programs for the 2024-2027 period.

The 2025 Rakernas event was led by the Chairman of BKTI PII Ir. Wiza Hidayat, ST., GP., IPU, ASEAN Eng and also attended by the management including Dr. Ir. Taufik Nur, ST., MT., IPU, ASEAN Eng, CSCA, APEC Eng (Deputy Chair I Membership & Training); Ir. Rio Andi Sapada, ST., IPM (Deputy Chair II of University Cooperation); Ir. Abdul Haris Lahudin, MT., IPM (Deputy Chair III of Industrial Investment & Cooperation); Ir. Muliandy Nasution ST., MH., MM., MBA., CPM, HDI., ASEAN Eng. (Deputy Chairman of Professional IV), Ir. Moh Sadiq Helmy, ST., MBA., IPM (Secretary); Dr. Rina Fitriana, ST., MM., IPM, ASEAN Eng. (Treasurer), Division Chair, Department Chair, and all BKTI PII members from various provinces in Indonesia.


The Rakernas event was also filled by advice sessions from seniors of industrial engineering including Ir. Faizal Safa, ST., M.Sc., IPU, ASEAN Eng, Acpe. (Chairperson of the Advisory Board), Ir Indracahya Kusumasubrata IPU (Board of Trustees), and Rully Chairul Azwar M.Sc., IPU (Board of Trustees) which emphasizes the importance of ethics of illinues in professional practice.

This 2025 Rakernas also set Dr. Ir. Taufik Nur, ST., MT., IPU, ASEAN Eng, CSCA, APEC Eng and Ir. Agham Satria Pristiwaji, MT., CSCM, IPU as Chair and Deputy Chairperson of the Competency Test Council (MUK) who will lead and coordinate the BKTI PII Professional Engineers' certification for 2024-2027.

The BKTI PII Rakernas event again carried the concept of "Green Event" where all carbon emissions produced by all participants ranging from travel to the location of the event, electricity and property used and food (scope 1,2 and 3) had been disofteed by purchasing carbon loans from Idx Carbon. " Ir.

Through the activities of this inaugural National Working Meeting, various activities have been established that will have a positive impact on all members, professions and Indonesia. "BKTI PII will continue to collaborate with various parties to improve the quality and professional competencies of industrial engineering engineers encourage the progress of the national industry towards Indonesia gold 2045.", Wiza Hidayat said in her presentation.

Source of Press Release BKTI-PII

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