Pak Dwi Promotes PII's Mission as a Pillar for Downstream Industry, Environmentally Friendly Technology and Food Security
Making PII a Pillar of Industrial Downstreaming, Environmentally Friendly Technology and Food Security towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.
Downstream National Industry
Encouraging downstream national industry by increasing the added value of products through technological innovation and collaboration between engineers, academics and industry.
Application of Environmentally Friendly Technology
Encourage engineers to implement environmentally friendly technologies and sustainable practices to support green industry and environmental sustainability.
Innovative, Dynamic and Collaborative Ecosystem
Creating an innovative, dynamic and collaborative engineering ecosystem to accommodate new ideas oriented towards technological developments to answer future challenges.
The Role of Engineers in Technology Improvement and Implementation
Strengthening the role of engineers in improving and implementing technology that supports national food security.
Strengthening Advocacy
Encourage ethical professional development and strengthen advocacy to protect the rights and roles of engineers in various sectors.
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