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Unhas Takes Oath of 483 PPI Graduate Engineers

Unhas is listed as the largest university in Indonesia in graduating engineers through the Professional Engineer Program (PPI). Until now Unhas has graduated 3,000 engineers.

Media Construction, Makassar - Hasanuddin University (Unhas) again took the oath of engineer graduates of the Professional Engineer Program (PPI). This time Unhas took the oath of 483 engineers.

The oath-taking was held at the Four Point Hotel Makassar, Monday (8/7/2024) night. The 483 engineers this time are graduates of the XIII batch of the Unhas Professional Engineer Program (PPI) who come from all over Indonesia and consist of industrial employees, BUMN, BPK, and Higher Education institutions.

Based on data, PPI Unhas has won an award from PII (Indonesian Engineers Association) as a university producing the most graduates in Indonesia. Until now Unhas has graduated more than 3000 engineers.

The oath-taking ceremony was attended by the Rector of Hasanuddin University Prof Dr Ir Jamaluddin Jompa, MSc, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Unhas Prof Dr Eng Ir Muhammad Isran Ramli, ST, MT, AER, Chairman of PII represented by Ir Habibie Razak, APEC Eng, CPEng, FIEAust, EngExec, IntPE (Aus) as Executive Director of PII.

Chairman of IKATEK Unhas as well as President Director of PT Indah Karya (Persero) Ir Muhammad Sapri Andi Pamulu, Ph.D, all PPI Lecturers, PII South Sulawesi Region administrators, and all oath-taking participants were present in person.

The symbolic swearing in of graduates was carried out by the Dean and Chairperson of IKATEK as well as the submission of data on alumni of the Faculty of Engineering Unhas.

Chairman of PPI Dr. Eng Ilham Bakri, ST, MT, AER in his speech said that next semester will be the final semester for the RPL (RECOGNITION OF WORK EXPERIENCE) pathway. Henceforth, the entire PPI program will be carried out through the regular two-semester route, according to the rules.

The Rector as well as the Chairperson of the PII South Sulawesi Region hopes that Indonesian Engineers can produce the best works and solve the nation's problems in a professional manner.

While the Executive Director of PII in his remarks conveyed the hopes of the Chairman of PII and explained a number of PPI's achievements in the current management period such as increasing the number of members, the role of engineers in the digitalization period, developing benchmarking in a number of countries, and certifying engineers at the ASEAN, ASIA PACIFIC levels to provide opportunities and opportunities for Indonesian engineers to compete abroad. (*/Hasanuddin)


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