PII Riau Strengthens Engineer Collaboration for Regional Development
The Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) Riau Province held a Consolidation Meeting which was attended by the heads of PII branches throughout Riau Province. The activity took place in Pekanbaru City, Sunday (24/11/2024).
"This activity aims to strengthen synergy between regions and branches in carrying out organizational programs, as well as discussing coordination preparations for the upcoming PII Congress," said Chairman of PII Riau Region, Ir Ulul Azmi ST CST IPM ASEAN Eng.
In his speech, Ir Ulul Azmi emphasized the importance of collaboration in facing development challenges in Riau Province, as well as increasing the role of engineers in various strategic sectors.
"This consolidation is a momentum to align PII's vision and mission at regional and branch levels, as well as ensuring the real contribution of engineers to regional development," he said.
In the meeting session, a number of strategic issues were discussed. This includes increasing the competency of engineers. Continuous professional development program at regional and branch levels.
Then preparations for the PII Congress. Discussing the contribution and participation of delegates from Riau Province to the national agenda. As well as regional and branch work programs.
The meeting was also attended by PII branch heads from various regions. Including Pekanbaru, Rokan Hulu, Kampar, Siak, Indragiri Hilir who actively submitted reports and innovative ideas to strengthen the organization.
One important outcome of this meeting is a joint commitment to increase cross-branch collaboration in supporting sustainable infrastructure development, renewable energy and digitalization in Riau Province.
Apart from that, concrete steps to strengthen PII's role in supporting regional government policies are also the focus of discussion.
In the spirit of togetherness and professionalism, it is hoped that the Regional and Branch PII Consolidation Meeting will become a strong foothold in strengthening the role of engineers in Riau. As well as strengthening contributions to the upcoming PII Congress.
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