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PII Jakarta Region Confirms Priyatno Bambang Hernowo as Chairman For The 2024-2027 Term

Konstruktion Media – Regional Management and Branch Management of The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII) DKI Jakarta Province confirmed Ir. Priyatno Bambang Hernowo, ST. MM. MPU. IPU. ASEAN Eng, becomes Chair of PW PII DKI Jakarta for the 2024-2027 term.

The inauguration was held on July 27 2024 at the Waskita Heritage Building Auditorium, Jakarta.

Pj. The Governor of DKI Jakarta, represented by the Assistant for Development and Environment Ir. Afan Ardiansyah Idris, MSi attended the inauguration of PII Jakarta Region. Meanwhile, General Chairperson of the Central Management of The Institution of Engineers Indonesia, Dr. Ir. Danis H. Sumadilaga, ST. M.Eng.Sc., IPU. ACPE. APEC Eng. who is also the Chair of the IKN Development Task Force delivered his remarks online.

Engineering is the activity of using expertise and skills based on mastery of science and technology to advance civilization and improve human welfare as mandated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Efforts to advance civilization and improve human welfare are achieved through the implementation of reliable and professional engineering that is able to increase added value , efficiency and usability, providing protection to the community, and realizing sustainable development that is environmentally friendly.

The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII) is a synergistic organization of Engineers that carries out engineering in Indonesia as stated in Law Number 11 of 2014 concerning Engineering.

Apart from that, the event was also attended Deputy Secretary General of PP PII Ir. Dandung S. Harnito ST. MT. IPU. ASEAN Eng., Chairman of the PP PII Organizational Development Commission Admiral TNI (Ret.) Dr. Ir. Eden Gunawan, MM. IPU. ASEAN Eng., representatives of the Regional Management of PII Banten and East Java Regions, as well as PII Branch Management throughout DKI Jakarta Province.

"The inauguration and inauguration of PW PII DKI Jakarta for the 2024-2027 term of office is a moment to make efforts and contribute to developing Jakarta," said Bambang Hernowo.

Changes to Jakarta, which is not the capital, require clear positioning. Jakarta Global City is the positioning. Global city, an urban center that enjoys significant competitive advantages and that serves as a hub within a globalized economic system (Britannica).

One of the sizes used by Global The City Power Index (GPCI) released by the Institute for Urban Strategy (IUS), contains six global city indicators, namely a well-established and globally connected economic sector, good and continuous research and innovation capacity, comfortable to live in, cultural value which is interesting to visit, a clean, comfortable and sustainable environment, and connected intra- and inter-city.

What is the contribution of "Jakarta Engineers in Jakarta's Global City"? There are recent engineering works that will provide alternative solutions to increase the globality of the city of Jakarta. In line with PII's mission: "To produce engineers who are competitive and provide high added value to the welfare and prosperity of the nation."

Engineering work contributes to achieving these Global City indicators. Research and innovation capacity, a city that is comfortable to live in, a clean, comfortable and sustainable environment, and connected intra- and inter-city are direct contributions from engineering work.

In line with Jakarta's positioning as a Global City, anxiety globally related to natural sustainability, climate change. ASEAN Economic Community 2025 Agenda, ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) agreed on 7 key strategies of the seven (7) Program Areas for 2021-2025 in order to achieve 32% energy intensity reduction including renewable energy, regional energy policy and planning , energy efficiency and conservation. Green Engineering, engineering based on greenness, sustainability.

The big theme raised by PW PII DKI Jakarta in its Work Program, within the framework of: Jakarta, a Global City through Green Engineering and supporting the Regional Strategic Activities of DKI Jakarta Province for 2023-2026. This is what was prepared in Rapimwil 4 after the inauguration and inauguration of PW PII DKI Jakarta.

"Together with Indonesian Engineers in the Jakarta area, God willing, Jakarta will become a green and friendly global city. "We will try to formulate the concept and strategy in the regional meeting which will be implemented immediately after this inauguration," said Bambang Hernowo.

As a provision and enrichment of the Work Program, a Dialogue on Green Engineering was held in a Discussion Panel with key speaker Prof. Ir. Mohammed Ali Berawi, M. Eng. Sc, Ph. ; Tjatur Agung Nindijanto, Lian Estiawan, Kharis Alfi Syahrin were panelists in the Mining, Manufacturing and Construction sectors in the implementation of Green Engineering.

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