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Inauguration of South Sulawesi PII Management, Prof. JJ: Engineer plays a strategic role in downstreaming

Rector of Hasanuddin University (Unhas) who is also the Chairperson of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) of the South Sulawesi Region, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc., officially inaugurated the South Sulawesi PII Branch Management in an event held at Unhas Hotel, Unhas Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, on Friday (02/28/2025).

In his remarks, Prof. JJ stressed that the current role of engineers is not only limited to building infrastructure, but also contributes to encouraging the downstreaming of industry. He stressed the importance of synergy between engineers, academics, and the industrial sector to create added value in national development.

"PII must be an effective place in uniting human resources for a real contribution to Indonesia's development. It is not enough to just raise the organization, PII must also show a measurable and concrete impact on the nation, "said Prof. JJ.

Engineers must adapt to the changing times

Furthermore, Prof. JJ highlighted the importance of increasing engineers' competencies to be in accordance with the demands of the times. According to him, with the rapid development of technology, engineers must continue to adapt and innovate in order to support the downstreaming policies that are being intensified by the government.

In addition, he stressed that the existence of branch management in various districts/cities in South Sulawesi is very important in strengthening the professional network of engineers and improving the quality of human resources.

"I hope that the newly appointed PII administrators can carry out their duties with full responsibility and professionalism. PII must be a strategic partner for local governments in sustainable development, "he said.

Inauguration of 9 Branches of PII Sulsel

This inauguration includes 9 PII branches in South Sulawesi, namely: East Luwu Regency, Toraja, Pinrang, Bone, Makassar City, Gowa, Maros, Sidrap, and Parepare City.

This event was also attended by PII Secretary General Dr. Ir. Teguh Haryono, MBA, Ipu, Asean.eng, Secretary of PII Sulsel Dr. Eng. Ir. Muhammad Rusman, M.T., HDI, as well as the inaugurated branch management.

With the spirit of togetherness and professionalism, this inauguration is an important momentum for the engineer community in South Sulawesi to continue to work and contribute to regional development and national progress.

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