Chairman PII is Officially Inaugurated the management of FIM PII South Sulawesi, Member of the House of Representatives Commission V NasDem Faction as The Chairperson
Chairperson of the Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII) officially inaugurated the Indonesian Engineering Youth Engineer Forum (FIM PII) of South Sulawesi, which was held at the BJ Habibie Auditorium, the position of Mayor of Parepare, Thursday, February 27, 2025. In addition to the inauguration of the management was also held by the Young Engineer Festival.
The activity was attended directly by the Chairperson of the Central PII, Dr.-Ing.ilham Akbar Habibie, MBA, IPU, Mayor of Parepare Tasming Hamid represented by the Secretary of Parepare City Muh. Husni Syam, Chairperson of South Sulawesi Hipmi DPD Amar Ma'ruf Sulaiman who is also a member of the House of Representatives Commission III of the Gerindra Faction, Chairman of the South Sulawesi FIM PII Teguh Iswana Suardi who is also a member of the House of Representatives Commission V of the Nasdem Faction, as well as a number of engineers, in addition to the ITH Rector and a number of SKPD heads throughout Parepare City.
Chairman of the South Sulawesi FIM PII, Teguh Iswana Suardi, said, this activity was an important agenda in every management of an organization, especially in this historic momentum was carried out in the hometown of BJ Habibie where his big name was quite echoing in this place.
"We are certainly proud because they were inaugurated in the city with the big name BJ Habibie, a figure known not only at the national level but also in the international Kanca," he explained.
He illustrates that the success of the figure of BJ Habibie who is not only at the national level but the national scale gave a picture that basically an engineer from Indonesia had the opportunity to become a competing engineer at the international level. But of course that success must be a shared support and continue to collaborate in realizing the progress of Indonesian engineers to come.
"We hope that in the future the collaboration that exists is very good to remain well guarded, of course the collaboration that we currently start from small things to collaboration are much bigger, in the future we will continue to facilitate friends even in the future we will try to collaborate with the government, campuses to private entrepreneurs later," he explained.
Mayor of Parepare Tasming Hamid represented by the Regional Secretary of Parepare City Muh. Husni Syam, welcomed the inauguration and also Launching the Young Engine Festival in 2025 which was held by the Indonesian Engineering Youth Engineer Forum (FIM PII) of South Sulawesi Province which was held in Parepare City.
According to Husni Syam who read the speech of the Mayor of Parepare, the FIM PII organization is an organization that houses young engineers throughout Indonesia, of course the engineers themselves have a huge role in the progress of a region and the Indonesian nation.
"This organization is certainly expected to be able to play a major role in the progress of a nation, because in principle the progress of the nation itself depends on the progress of science," he said.
He also hopes that the management of FIM PII can carry out the mandate well and how to give birth to innovative ideas and contribute to development in every region and especially South Sulawesi.
He also stated, if on this occasion we also on behalf of the Parepare City Government welcomed the arrival of young engineers in the City of Parepare, and of course the Parepare City Government is ready to collaborate and also support every program later which of course implements in the regional development innovation itself.
"Welcome to our Parepare City on behalf of the government strongly supports the activity, and we make sure we will collaborate in giving birth to innovations and development ideas that are much better," he explained.
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