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PII Holds Oath Taking for Engineers from the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University

The Institute of Engineers Indonesia (PII) held an oath-taking for engineers consisting of hundreds of alumni of the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University (Unhas).

Oath taking of Faculty alumni engineers Engineering Unhas The event was held at the Claro Hotel, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, on Monday evening, December 16 2024.

Present at the procession were, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Unhas< /a> Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Muhammad Isran Ramli, MT along with the deputy deans of FT UH, Unhas Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc, and General Chair of PII for the 2024-2027 period Dr-ing Ir. Ilham Habibie, IPU.

Apart from that, also present was the General Chairperson of the Unhas Engineering IKA, Ir. Muhammad Sapri Andi Pamulu, PhD, IPU who currently serves as Director of BUMN PT. Indah Karya (Persero), and lecturers at the PPI Unhas study program.

Head of the Professional Engineer Study Program (PPI) Faculty of Engineering Unhas revealed that the oath-taking process Unhas engineer This has been carried out for the fourteenth time.

"The number of people sworn in was 712 people, last July it was 483 people. "15 of them are from the Regular pathway who completed their professional education in 2 semesters," said the Head of PPI Unhas Study Program.

"The demographics of alumni range from Banda Aceh, Palembang, DKI, Riau, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, West Java, Central Java, DIY, East Java, Sulawesi, Maluku/North Maluku, NTB, Papua and West Papua. "Alumni institutions range from ASN in local government, city government or vertical agencies, PTN and PTS lecturers, BUMN (Construction and Energy), and private companies," he explained.

Apart from that, the party also appreciates engineers from the Financial Audit Agency (BPK) with engineering backgrounds who have also joined PSPPI.

"This could be one of the incentives for implementing the engineering law to be more authoritative," he said.

On that occasion, the Head of the PPI Unhas Study Program also reported to the Chancellor of Unhas and PII that apart from carrying out RPL activities and teaching and learning on the Regular route, currently PSPPI Unhas also has great trust to accompany the process of opening the New PSPPI Study Program in 5 Universities in Indonesia.

"It is recorded that there are 5 universities currently being assisted by PSPPI Unhas, namely Univ. Siliwangi in Tasikmalaya, Makassar State University, Univ, Halouleo – Central Sulawesi, Univ. UNKRIDA Jakarta, and Univ. Widyagama Malang. "Of course this trust is one of Unhas' national recognition," he said.


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