The Institution Engineers Indonesia Holds Cultural Themed Congress in Yogyakarta
In order to organize the 23rd Congress of the Institution Engineers Indonesi (PII), the General Chair (Ketum) of the PII Central Management, Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga accompanied by the Chair of the PII DIY Regional Management, Tri Budi Utama and his entourage paid a visit to the Governor of DIY, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono
After the audience, the Assistant for Economic and Development Affairs of the Regional Secretariat of DIY, Tri Saktiyana, who also accompanied Sri Sultan, explained that the aim and purpose of the visit from the General Chair of the Central PII was for the purpose of friendship and at the same time inviting Sri Sultan to be willing to attend the PII Congress which will be held in Jogja, on December 5, 6 and 7. "Mr Chairman of the Indonesian Engineers Association asked the Governor to be able to rawuh (attend) at the congress. "However, the time is still being set," said Tri Shaktiyana.
Meanwhile, Tri Budi Utama said that PII is a very large organization and was formed in 1952. With regional administrators in 34 provinces and 230 district branch administrators throughout Indonesia. Apart from having many members, PII has 27 Vocational Bodies. "So engineers are not only civil engineers but also agricultural engineers, shipping engineers, pharmaceutical technology engineers and many more," he added. PII also has organizational partners such as technical universities, professional and industrial associations or companies.
On the same occasion, Danis Hidayat said, "We from the Indonesian Engineers Association organization facing Sri Sultan of course ask for permission and invite, because on December 5 to 7 we will hold a congress of the Indonesian Engineers Association throughout Indonesia," said Danish. Danis said that at this congress approximately one thousand participants would attend the next congress, which is planned to be held at the Ambarrukmo Hotel Yogyakarta.
Danis hopes that the results of the congress can be used for development in all areas, both in Jogjakarta and Indonesia. Danis added that previously PII also held an industrialization seminar in Surabaya before holding a congress in Jogja. Jogja was chosen as the venue for the congress because it fits the theme of the congress, namely "Engineers and Culture", how cultural factors influence the behavior and professionalism of engineers. "This is what is important," he said.
At this year's PII Congress there will also be an election of a new Deputy General Chair of the Central Management. His party provided information that currently there are 10 names of candidates for the new Deputy Chairperson of the Central Management from all over Indonesia. The registration and socialization stages for candidates for deputy general chairman of PII have also been carried out. However, Danis remains a secret about who the candidate to be elected as the next Deputy General Chair of PII will be. "We'll see later, at the congress," he said.
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