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Code of Ethics

This code of ethics is a basic guideline that must be upheld by every member of The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII). This code of ethics aims to ensure that every engineer carries out his profession with integrity, responsibility, and commitment to the welfare of society. Through this code of ethics, it is hoped that each member can maintain the dignity of the engineering profession and make a positive contribution in every aspect of their work. The following are the key principles that every PII member must adhere to:

  • Prioritizing Virtue: Engineers must uphold moral and ethical values in every aspect of the profession. This includes upholding integrity, honesty, and responsibility in all actions and decisions taken. Every engineer is expected to be fair and not to use their position or professional knowledge for personal gain to the detriment of others.
  • Using Knowledge and Abilities for the Welfare of Humanity: Engineers must apply their knowledge and skills to positive and constructive causes that improve the well-being of humans and society. This includes committing to the sustainability, safety, and well-being of the community and undertaking responsible work towards the social and environmental impacts of any engineering projects or solutions developed.
  • Work Earnestly for the Benefit of Society: In carrying out duties and responsibilities, engineers must demonstrate high dedication and professionalism. This means working responsibly, prioritizing the interests of the community, and avoiding conflicts of interest. Engineers must complete the task to the best of their ability, commit to delivering high-quality results, and strive to correct any flaws in their work.
  • Improving Competence and Dignity Based on Engineering Professional Expertise: Engineers must constantly improve their professional competence and knowledge through continuing education and training. In addition, they must maintain the dignity of the engineering profession by adhering to high professional and ethical standards. Engineers are expected to contribute to the development of engineering knowledge and support their peers in their efforts to achieve professional excellence.