Focus Group Discussion 1 - Annual Meeting BKKPII 2025
"Strengthening Process Safety Regulation Framework: Integration of Best Practices Cross Industry"
With the high enthusiasm in this discussion, we are happy to announce that the FGD Process Safety AM BKKPII is now open to the public through the Zoom Meeting
🎤 *Plenary Speakers: *
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources: Yudhi Indharto, S.T., M.K.K.K.K.
Pertamina Hulu Energy: Putu Surya Wibisana, S.T., M.Sc.
Ministry of Industry: Ir. Ignatius Warsito, Mba
Aptekim: Aqsa, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
BKKPII: Prof. Juwari S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.
Industrial Engineering: Ariva Bamazruk, S.T., M.T. and
Ir. Marcus Ritonga
Cikampek Kujang Fertilizer: Tatang Arind Pradibta, S.T.
Fiki: Ir. I. Hubert Widiastono, M.M.
Immediately register through the following link:
📅 date: Thursday, February 06, 2025 (08.00-16.45 WIB)
🔗 Registration:
Follow IG: BKKPIIIndonesia
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